Thursday, 26 January 2017

The Emergence of Renewable Energy in Today’s World

For so long a time, the world is powered by what is known as “synchronous generation”, which means that electricity grids are mainly fueled by coal as well as gas plants, such that these two are  deemed to be capable of generating the reliable and stable supply of energy. The days of relying solely on these kind of energy mix is now changing. Most of the world’s biggest industrial groups are seeing that solar, wind and other renewable energy alternatives can provide the same function in a much more efficient manner.

Although there have been debates raised regarding the emergence of these renewable energies, leading environmentalist, visionaries and renewable energy advocates are bent on pushing the need for the world to shift into the use of renewable energy to power the generations to come. There is so much that the world can benefit from the use of renewable energy and that it is something that should be carefully watched out for.

GE: Why Grids Don’t Need To Rely On “Synchronous” Generation

However, the fossil fuel lobby and the conservative institutions that manage the grid operations and its rules – the Australian Energy Markets Operator and the Australian Energy Markets Commission – warn of increased disruption if synchronous generation (coal and gas plants) is replaced by renewables. They struggle to imagine a future with no large spinning machines, and AEMO’s chairman Tony Marxsen insists that alternatives are years or even decades away.

GE’s Miller, however, supports Finkel’s view that technologies are readily available to perform the functions that many presume can only be delivered by fossil fuel generators.

He points to a new 300MW solar PV plant in California, which was connected recently with GE inverters and delivered frequency response “many times as fast and accurate” as thermal synchronous generators on the same grid.

That situation has not yet arrived in Australia. Promoters of battery storage, inverter technology and other “smarts” are trying to get rules changed so they no longer favour incumbent fossil fuel generators – setting the price of electricity every 5 minutes instead of every 30 minutes (and so favouring fast response technology) is key among them.  Visit the article source for more information.

There are now a growing number of countries that are pushing for the establishment of wind farms as a means to increase its renewable energy derivatives for their country’s energy mix. Once these wind parks are up and running, these can ensure a steady and reliable supply of energy that could offset at least 600,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions in a given year.

Vestas Nabs Deal For 270 MW Australian Wind Farm

The Danish wind turbine maker said this morning it will supply and install 75 units of its V126-3.45 MW turbines with Power Optimised Mode to 3.6 MW. Zenviron, a Monadelphous and ZEM Energy partnership, will deliver the civil and electrical balance of plant works.

The deal for Vestas also includes at least a 10-year Active Output Management 4000 (AOM4000) service contract.

The wind park in Glen Innes is a project of SWF Nominees Pty Ltd, a partnership between CWP Renewables, a joint venture of Continental Wind Partners and Wind Prospect Group, and funds managed and advised by Partners Group. Installation and commissioning of the turbines is to be concluded in the second half of 2018. Details here…

These goes to show that there is indeed a benefit that renewable energy can give to its users, and that it is essential to maximize and exploit the huge potential that it has in store. A lot of sectors will certainly enjoy the benefits that renewable energy can bring to the table.

The post The Emergence of Renewable Energy in Today’s World appeared first on Castle Hill Electrician Pros.